


2015年ONE&ONE DESIGN与明经堂合作,为其打造全新视觉形象,小到标签,大到巨幅广告,事无巨细,在整个设计过程,都经过仔细推敲,反复论证。


Ming Jing Tang Traditional Chinese Medicine Clinic

Ming Jing Tang Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) Clinic is a top end medical clinic in Beijing. TCM’s basic tenet holds that the body’s vital energy (chi or qi) circulates through channels, called meridians, that have branches connected to bodily organs and functions. The highest thought in TCM is to avoid treatment in the first place through the smooth circulation of this vital energy. Their philosophy thus builds upon the belief of “Healing through Meridian Medicine, Wellness through Treatment & Prevention”. As such, part of their offering also include an extensive range of herbal medicines, creams, teas, and herbal based cuisines.

In 2015, One & One Design worked with Ming Jing Tang to create a new brand identity, designing from the very small to the very big, from product labels to outdoor advertisements. This design process was one of numerous reiteration and refinement.

Key to TCM is the concept of acupuncture points, which are the major connections of both Meridian (經脈) networks that run vertically, and Collateral (絡脈) networks that run laterally, through which the body vital energy (chi) flows. This is expressed visually in the graphic motifs based on lines and dots.

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