Funny and Photo Realistic Oil Paintings – The Life of a Superhero超级英雄的老年生活

The Life of a Superhero is the name of a project by Swedish artist Andreas Englund, and is one that he is widely recognised for. The project consists of some incredibly funny and photo realistic oil paintings documenting a Superhero in his day to day life; the ups, the downs, and the damn right hilarious.

The series takes you through the life of this Superhero, from a toddler to an old man, and highlights the everyday struggles that can happen to the best of us.

I always wanted to share my thoughts with others, either through conversation or
visual media. Working with communication gave me the tools from where I built my foundation as an artist. For me it has always been two careers living in symbiosis – being an Art Director and an artist – with the common theme of storytelling and communicating.




