International Design Foundation 国际设计基金会形象设计

The International Design Foundation was established in 2010 to manage, coordinate and execute the World Design Capital Helsinki 2012 project. The World Design Capital initiative promotes and supports the cultural, social and financial uses of design. The title is assigned every other year by the International Council of Societies of Industrial Design (Icsid).
The Board of the International Design Foundation was in charge of managing the foundation’s organisation, funds and operating principles, and maintaining, promoting and coordinating the aims, functions and programme of the World Design Capital Helsinki 2012 project. In addition to the board, the foundation had a committee of 45 members, all opinion leaders and experts in their diverse fields, supporting the management of the WDC project and offering perspectives from the society as a basis for decision-making. The International Design Foundation continues operations on a limited scope after the World Design Capital year 2012.
The brand identity for the International Design Foundation was designed by Kokoro & Moi to follow closely the guidelines set by the work done for World Design Capital Helsinki 2012 project with an austere and robust approach.
国际设计基金会成立于2010年世界设计之都赫尔辛基2012项目管理,协调和执行。 “世界设计之都”主动促进和支持设计的文化,社会及金融用途。标题被分配由国际工业设计协会( ICSID )理事会每隔一年。
国际设计基金会的董事会负责管理基金会的组织,资金和经营方针,维护,促进和协调世界设计之都赫尔辛基2012年项目的目标,职能和程序。除了向董事会,基金会有45名成员组成,所有的意见领袖和专家委员会在其不同的领域, WDC项目配套的管理,并提供作为决策的基础,从社会的观点。国际设计基金会世界设计之都2012年后,在一个有限的范围内继续运作。

